Is Anatomy the Solution to Building Muscle?

Yes and No. You need to know or better feel AND know the functions of your body, the way how your muscles and body systems work together in harmony. If you want to talk and write about this topic to exchange your knowledge with other experts it is not too bad to know the names of each muscle and system. But if you personally want to build muscle and lose weight in the form of fat you dont need to know all this theoretical stuff. Worse, it may even act as mental weight, making it difficult for you to see the easy solution within all this “crap” or communicate with others who dont know all the fancy words and expressions.

What to Know first: Street Names or Connection between Streets?

If you take a cab in a city you dont know (before navigation computer were popular of course), would you take care more about drivers knowledge about the names of the streets or his experience how to reach your destination in the shortest time possible? Heck, I still dont know all streetnames in my HOMETOWN, but I defintly know how to reach each part of it! Same with muscle building: I dont care how some physicians call all the muscles I am working, I just need to feel them and permanently sophisticate the way I move and workout. I prefer to know the function of my body systems and the way I have to treat myself (nutrition, working out, recovery) to stay in shape and the best health I can think of.

Muscle Buidling Guide or Muscle Buidling Navigation?

I like to compare building muscles and getting and staying in shape with navigating a sailing boat: Of course you know your destination, but you have no idea of the exact way! The way depends on too many variables like wind, streams, other ships – you name it. What you definetly need to know and must be able to do WITHOUT thinking are the manoevers and practical routines when special circumstances appear. Do you always want to sail with a skipper or do you want to become the skipper of your life? So you dont need a guide, you need to know your goal, you need a map and you need to know what to do in what situation.

Your Body Has THREE Main Muscle!

To effectively building muscle you just need to know the fundamentals: Bend, extend, rotate. All rotators, extensor and bending muscle have to LEARN how to play in concert to be able to move your body in a smooth way, that does not lead to overuse or misuse injuries. If you just try to build muscle with static moves or on expensive strength machine you will never learn how to move your body in a smooth way. STOP working out on machines, learn all moves and positions your body is capable of!

DEPENDENT on Machines or INDEPENDENT and Free?

Of course it is good and necessary to know someone who has gone the way and learn from him. And you will definetly always find areas you are a total novice in. You must decide, if you want to re-invent the wheel or get a head-start by using prooven knowlegde of the masters of their field. Coming back to the area of getting in shape I personally prefer to be ableo to do that anytime and anywhere: I am able to build muscle without weights, I know my muscle building routine and I am able to perform my workouts when I have to. To know all this stuff is great, but I have to admit: I took the long road! At the beginning I believed, knowing all the streetnames is equal to knowing the way to my goal! Heck, you just need to know the way an maybe the streetnames of the way you need to take. You found someone who walked the way and put it in a great and easy to follow program (he actuylly knows the way, the fancy words and how to describe the solution in a way even novices in the field understand what to do), whatever your goal may it be losing fat, gaining muscle, getting leaner or getting better in a special sport. It even works if you have back pain or want to prepare for your next vacation. It works WITHOUT membership, WITHOUT any tool, WITHOUT weights: TACFIT!

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