Posts Tagged ‘lose fat gain muscle’

Untapped Muscle-Building Strategy #1:

Do your cardio with a full-body matrix of bodyweight exercises

You’re probably asking, “What the hell is a full-body matrix?”

It’s based on a 6-D visual model borrowed from aeronautics. It’s a fancy way of describing how your body moves:

  • Heaving: moving up and down
  • Swaying: moving right and left
  • Surging: moving forward and backward
  • Pitching: bending forward and backward
  • Yawing: twisting right and left
  • Rolling: turning right and left

Putting these elements together will give you a hell of a cardio workout.

Why should you care?

Because it’ll kick your ass faster than any other method. That means you’ll  get your cardio obligation out of the way sooner, so you can spend more training time building mass and less time shredding those game-night beers off your belly.

Training in a full-body matrix also ensures that your body stays balanced. You won’t waste time dealing with overuse injuries, or overcompensations created by doing the same repetitive movements in the same planes day after day. That means you’ll be able to push a ton more weight when you get under the bar.

==> TACFIT Commando – Your equipment free muscle plan (51% off)

Untapped Muscle-Building Strategy #2:

Fascial stretching makes room for muscle growth

We’ve all seen what happens to guys who spend years at the gym. They’re no different than the pencil necked geek who sits at a desk all day – they’re just at opposite end of the spectrum.

If you sit at a desk all day every day, it becomes easier for your body to stay that way. Your body becomes chair-shaped. Funny thing is, the same thing happens when you lift a lot of weights. If you crank out a pile of heavy curls and you don’t release the tension after you lift, you get the same sorta unwanted compensations as the office geek. The tissue of your biceps shortens, your elbows won’t straighten, and before you know it you’re walking around with bracket-shaped arms that can curl the hell out of a dumbbell but can’t even scratch your own back. If you let it get to that point, then aches and pains are just the beginning of your problems.

The GOOD NEWS is that becoming bracket-shaped is easy to avoid. Just throw 5 minutes of targeted fascial stretching into your routine as a cooldown and you get to keep the muscle but avoid the unwanted immobility.

The EVEN BETTER news is that restoring the full resting length of your muscles gives them more room to grow!

Click Here <— Give your muscles some room to grow…

Untapped Muscle-Building Strategy #3:

Use joint mobility to speed recovery so you can train more often

Throwing 5 minutes of joint mobility movement into your pre-lifting workout really can transform into the fountain of youth.

There are several key benefits to this simple form of exercise. Decompressing your joints allows synovial fluid to flow into that space, flooding the joint capsule with nutrients and washing out the waste products formed by exercise. This restores joint health, and it also speeds recovery — and if you can recover at an accelerated rate, you can train again sooner. Train harder and more often and you grow faster.

Better joint alignment allows you to create more power in your lifts, for the obvious reason that your skeletal system is loading the way it was meant to be loaded, rather than siphoning off muscular power to compensate for joints being out of alignment.

But that’s not all. Lifting on compressed joints leads to common problems like arthritis and cartilage wear. Decompressing your joints restores them to the natural shock absorber they were designed to be.

It only takes 5 minutes before you train, and it translates into heavier lifts, done more often.

TACFIT Commando fully incorporates joint mobility —> Click For More

TACFIT Commando incorporats all these tricks, and many more, into the workouts. That’s because these guys know you’re hard core. You need the ability to push your conditioning or equipment-free muscle building to the limit without sacrificing on recovery. Because we don’t grow in the gym. We grow to the extent that we can recover.

Scott let me know that he released an updated version of this program yesterday and he’s offering a 51% discount until tomorrow, Thursday July 22nd, at midnight. So make sure you head over now.

CLICK HERE for your exclusive TACFIT Commando 51% off discount

Is Anatomy the Solution to Building Muscle?

Yes and No. You need to know or better feel AND know the functions of your body, the way how your muscles and body systems work together in harmony. If you want to talk and write about this topic to exchange your knowledge with other experts it is not too bad to know the names of each muscle and system. But if you personally want to build muscle and lose weight in the form of fat you dont need to know all this theoretical stuff. Worse, it may even act as mental weight, making it difficult for you to see the easy solution within all this “crap” or communicate with others who dont know all the fancy words and expressions.

What to Know first: Street Names or Connection between Streets?

If you take a cab in a city you dont know (before navigation computer were popular of course), would you take care more about drivers knowledge about the names of the streets or his experience how to reach your destination in the shortest time possible? Heck, I still dont know all streetnames in my HOMETOWN, but I defintly know how to reach each part of it! Same with muscle building: I dont care how some physicians call all the muscles I am working, I just need to feel them and permanently sophisticate the way I move and workout. I prefer to know the function of my body systems and the way I have to treat myself (nutrition, working out, recovery) to stay in shape and the best health I can think of.

Muscle Buidling Guide or Muscle Buidling Navigation?

I like to compare building muscles and getting and staying in shape with navigating a sailing boat: Of course you know your destination, but you have no idea of the exact way! The way depends on too many variables like wind, streams, other ships – you name it. What you definetly need to know and must be able to do WITHOUT thinking are the manoevers and practical routines when special circumstances appear. Do you always want to sail with a skipper or do you want to become the skipper of your life? So you dont need a guide, you need to know your goal, you need a map and you need to know what to do in what situation.

Your Body Has THREE Main Muscle!

To effectively building muscle you just need to know the fundamentals: Bend, extend, rotate. All rotators, extensor and bending muscle have to LEARN how to play in concert to be able to move your body in a smooth way, that does not lead to overuse or misuse injuries. If you just try to build muscle with static moves or on expensive strength machine you will never learn how to move your body in a smooth way. STOP working out on machines, learn all moves and positions your body is capable of!

DEPENDENT on Machines or INDEPENDENT and Free?

Of course it is good and necessary to know someone who has gone the way and learn from him. And you will definetly always find areas you are a total novice in. You must decide, if you want to re-invent the wheel or get a head-start by using prooven knowlegde of the masters of their field. Coming back to the area of getting in shape I personally prefer to be ableo to do that anytime and anywhere: I am able to build muscle without weights, I know my muscle building routine and I am able to perform my workouts when I have to. To know all this stuff is great, but I have to admit: I took the long road! At the beginning I believed, knowing all the streetnames is equal to knowing the way to my goal! Heck, you just need to know the way an maybe the streetnames of the way you need to take. You found someone who walked the way and put it in a great and easy to follow program (he actuylly knows the way, the fancy words and how to describe the solution in a way even novices in the field understand what to do), whatever your goal may it be losing fat, gaining muscle, getting leaner or getting better in a special sport. It even works if you have back pain or want to prepare for your next vacation. It works WITHOUT membership, WITHOUT any tool, WITHOUT weights: TACFIT!

As a travel writer specializing in expedition-type adventures, Ryan Murdock has walked across vast grizzly-infested stretches of Canada’s remote Northwest Territories. He’s led jeep expeditions through central Mongolia and its south Gobi regions. He’s ventured by camel into the sandy wastes of the Taklamakan Desert, a place whose name means “those who go in don’t come out.”

Like those spec ops guys, Ryan relies on TACFIT because he’s bet his life on it more than once. But he also loves the side effects…

Thanks to the “5 Secret Weapons” that TACFIT aims at the enemies of fat loss and muscle gain, Ryan comes back from his travels looking like a shredded Doc Savage without ever setting foot in a gym.

1. Portability

The benefit of this secret weapon is obvious for a guy like Ryan. But it has also proven key for thousands of our clients from every walk of life. If you can train anywhere and at any time, you’re more likely to follow through with your plan. Simple as that!

It doesn’t matter how you accomplish this. If you have a well-stocked gym both at home and at your office, you have access to a gym on all your travels, and you don’t mind training inside when the weather is beautiful, then you can follow an equipment-based program with full “portability.” This obviously isn’t practical for most people. We’ve tested a lot of relatively portable tools — kettlebells, bands, rings, Clubbells, etc — with our spec ops clients. And we’ve consistently gotten the highest stick-to-it rates with bodyweight-only programs.

2. Incremental Sophistication

We talked yesterday about the importance of neural sophistication in your exercise program. It’s one of the keys to accelerated fat loss, as well as optimal strength and muscle gain. It’s also what keeps you excited and coming back for more. But adding “sophistication” to your training in the wrong way can be disastrous. Skipping steps or randomly throwing in complex skills can cause poor technique, injury, and completely random results.

Jumping too quickly into sophisticated movement patterns will also “freeze” your nervous system, bringing your body transformation efforts to a grinding halt. Do you remember the last time you tried a new sport — maybe rollerblading or skiing? And did you feel like Frankenstein’s monster learning to walk? That was your nervous system shutting down “pieces” of the movement so it could focus on learning manageable chunks. It’s tough to train at high intensity when you’re riding that kind of parking brake! But by adding sophistication gradually, you can have the best of both worlds. With TACFIT, you fly under the radar of your body’s protective mechanisms, hitting those high intensity workouts while providing a constant supply of new stimulation to keep your fat burning furnace stoked and your muscle building machine working overtime.

3. The 6 Degrees Of Freedom

Most conventional exercise programs would have you believe that humans move robotically through one plane at a time. We know this isn’t true, so why do we accept it in an exercise program? Human movement is a complex weave through different planes and on different axes. If you take the three axes of conventional movement descriptions (front/back, up/down, left/right) and add rotation, you immediately see that we move both along and around those axes to take advantage of our full movement potential:

  • Heaving: Moving up and down the vertical axis
  • Surging: Moving along the front-to-back axis
  • Swaying: Moving along the side-to-side axis
  • Yawing: Moving around the vertical axis
  • Rolling: Moving around the front-to-back axis
  • Pitching: Moving around the side-to-side axis

You can access all 6 Degrees of Freedom quite readily through bodyweight training.

But that’s not all! Training in 6-Degrees of Freedom will kick your butt faster than any other method. That means you’re finished training sooner. You can spend more time doing the important things in life — playing with the kids, hanging with friends, pursuing your interests — rather than burning away monotonous hours in the gym because you feel you have to.

Training in 6-Degrees also ensures that your body remains balanced. You won’t waste time dealing with overuse injuries or overcompensations created by doing the same repetitive movements in the same planes day after day. TACFIT balances your workouts across all 6-Degrees of human movement , so you can feel confident that your training isn’t adding further imbalances to your life. Instead, each workout builds health, shreds fat, and opens entirely new realms of movement potential.  If you train the TACFIT way, it’ll be easier than you think.

4. Tactical Joint Mobility And Fascial Stretching

Many programs play lip service to “stretching,” but few provide the elements of active recovery that are so necessary to achieving rapid and lasting changes in your physique and performance. During his years in Russia, Scott learned a set of recovery methods that he calls “aggressively therapeutic.”  These techniques are a pivotal element of the “waving intensity” approach that makes TACFIT so effective. But active recovery methods aren’t just some sort of retroactive therapy. They’re proactive performance enhancement! Their effects on performance and body composition are seen on two fronts. The first is joint mobility. If you don’t move your joints systematically through their full range of motion on a regular basis, they will become compressed. In the short term this means you can push less weight through a shorter range of motion at that joint. And that means less fat burned and reduced potential for muscle growth.

The answer is to target each joint — head to toe, center outward — with progressively more complex movements that are designed specifically to maximize the movement potential of THAT joint. Each joint has a unique structure and function, and your joint mobility program must respect that if you want optimal results. The other essential component of active recovery is myofascial stretching. The myofascia is the sheath of connective tissue that surrounds your muscles. It’s a continuous web that interconnects the entire body. And it actually changes shape in response to physical stimuli you undergo repeatedly. So if you sit in a chair all day, your body gradually becomes chair-shaped. This makes you more efficient at sitting in a chair all day, but it isn’t great for your overall health or your body composition.

When parts of your myofascial net become shortened and leathery and others become long and loose, you end up with an imbalance. Putting your body under intense physical stress with such an imbalance can cause injury. Thankfully, your nervous system is smart. It shuts you down before you can blow a fuse. The downside is that it also stops you from creating the intensity you need to burn loads of fat and pack on lean muscle! The solution is to compensate for your training and occupational adaptations by “strengthening in the opposite direction.” This isn’t just “stretching.” We’re not trying to lengthen muscle tissue. We are deliberately releasing tension in the tight facia to bring your entire system back into balance. By actively using muscular effort to move into specific postures, we can provide focused facial release in as little as 20 seconds. This makes it easy to stick to the program. Let’s face it, the first thing to go when time is tight is that 15 minute stretching routine…

5. Tactical Intensity Burst (TIB)

You’ve probably heard of Interval Training. It’s an approach that uses timed bursts of “work” followed by intermittent periods of “rest.” And it’s been proven time and again to outperform other forms of exercise for both conditioning and fat loss. But what about muscle? Our spec ops clients can go months without access to a gym, or even a dumbbell. But they need to keep developing muscle mass. The answer is the Tactical Intensity Burst (TIB). TIBs adapt the most popular interval training approach — the 20:10 cycle of the Tabata protocol — to the practical realities of spec ops and law enforcement guys and gals. Their performance shoots through the roof. But that ain’t all…

These elite warriors — already ripped by anyone’s standards — have their skin shrink wrapped over muscle!

The secret of TIBs is in applying the 20/10 protocol to exercises designed SPECIFICALLY to encourage FULL body muscle stimulation. Short bursts of intense movement allow you to perform an incredible amount of work in a very short period of time, providing serious stimulus for muscle growth. But there’s more going on here. We’re also hijacking some cool hormonal effects. The short rest periods mean you end up generating a lot of lactic acid. And that means increased release of growth hormone. GH is one of the most important triggers for both fat loss and muscle gain. You’re also avoiding the nasty effects of cortisol: fat storage and muscle breakdown. By keeping your workouts short and using intense bursts instead of slow steady-state exercise, you avoid the “cortisol dump” caused by many other exercise programs.

And perhaps the coolest benefit TIBs have to offer is HOURS  of FREE fat burning. Your body will spend up to two days in a heightened fat burning state after your workout. So even sitting at your desk you’ll be burning more fat! You’ll ALWAYS be in this turbo-charged fat burning state when you’re following TACFIT Commando. Those “5 Secret Weapons” are just a few of the reasons an international adventurer like Ryan relies on TACFIT to stay fit while traveling alone into the world’s forgotten corners.

We can’t promise TACFIT will make you as cool as Ryan, and it certainly won’t make you as grouchy. But it WILL prepare you to tackle any and every adventure life throws your way — even if your adventures mostly take place on the beach…

The entire program is bodyweight-only and can be completed in about the same amount of space you’d need to lie down in. It only takes 20 minutes, but it burns with an intensity and fat melting power most athletes don’t tap in a full hour of training.

Coolest of all, it doesn’t just include Mission Impossible style moves. It also focuses on the energy systems used by those spec-ops types in the line of duty. Training that burst-recover-burst with complex movements means you’ll keep your body guessing — burning more fat and building more muscle — while everyone else is gasping on the floor in a panicked mental shutdown.

Sculpt a shredded, functional commando physique that looks great on the beach but is also serious “go muscle”–not just “show muscle”. Check out these great DELUXE components (5 in total), perfectly composed to adapt to your workout schedule today. They come on top of the basis components (Manual, Calendar, Library, Recover Techniques)